Sunday, September 9, 2007

Curly newborn

So much for not putting "previews" on this blog! Oops. Must updated business blog - note to self!
This little one was three weeks old. Took us a while to get her to sleep, but finally she drifted off. And then was such a little angel!
Thinking of using this first one on a business card design.. what do you think? I really love this session - maybe cause I got many shots I've been trying with bubs for ages - and also - a little girl!! I swear I only photograph boys!

This is such a fav:


... said...

beautiful shoot! impressed how you got her to sleep so well to move her about!

leah said...

these are such precious newborn shots! so sweet. and guess what? tag, you are it. come by my blog for more info.

Mary-Ella said...

these are so sweet gemma

Cristina Navarro - New Day Photography said...

goodness! what an awesome session...beautiful shots!

Smith said...

Oh very nice. Love that first one. Great comp.

Ashley Mc said...

awwe! I love when they curl.