Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tiny Mr. H

Now this blog isn't really about client previews or anything, cause I have a blog for that. But this is more about me and my photography.

This was a baby I photographed via the ACOCP and offered to go back when he was released from hospital. They are friends of friends!

I think he's about 8 weeks old here - but still smaller than Emerson was when he was born!
For a premmie, technically only a few days old (adjusted) he was SO alert!

Just had to post some here.. and the new look logo/watermark.. i kinda like this one.
I'm trying to redesign the business. I'm just not happy with it's current look/feel. so this is my new idea:

Any good?? I'm thinking (today) that it's more sophisticated & classy (LOL) yet still rather me... would be happy with ideas/suggestions!
till then


Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

I like the 2nd one, very classy! looks great!.
Great pictures you have!

Mary-Ella said...

those baby shots are too sweet - love the one with the arms stretched out!