Saturday, October 13, 2007

Football Fans are SCARY!

...Especially when their team wins the Grand Final! (and yes - ok it was two weeks ago - I'm behind) But GO MELBOURNE STORM!

And now for some slightly less "scary" images -

A terrible 'candid' one of Emerson riding a "horse"
The bro:
And my latest obsession: cupcakes.. Don't think I have the skills or product photography skills to go into business - but oh the cake mixture tastes so good!!
(yes I prefer the mixture to the final products!)

So please excuse the terrible lack of photographic skills in this post - but thought it made for an interesting post (not).


Mary-Ella said...

is this the result from when we were on msn? yummo

Gemma said...

yep - it most certainly is! they are starting to get stale now - no one is eating them... they taste good - i'm not sure why!!

Amanda K said...

Oh that hat rocks! Is that from jj's?

What is it with cupcakes atm?? EVERYONE is making them, including me and I am soooooo not into baking LOL.

Gemma said...

Amanda - I think so - our housemates friend got it, and i insisted on using it! I do know they had gone to JJ's & cotton on that day - So i'm guessing so!

Yeah the cupcake thing.. I'm not the biggest cooker in the world, but have a thing for baking (sweet things - and you know why!)
at the moment... cupcakes - yum - I just LOVE the mixture!
and I have a project - obviously photos will come when it's done - but put it this way! I want to build a masterpiece!