Friday, August 31, 2007


This was going to be another Sydney trip entry... but blogger is being annoying and kept "not responding" on me when I try to upload images. (*edit* see below.. i fixed it! LOL) And being a Friday night... I have no patience.

So.. I have one more 5 day a week (4 hours a day) week at Multiplex.. then one more FULL day (being 9-5) then I'm done.

They need to me to train the new person. THEN I'm done. WOOHOO!

Emerson was really distant from me today. Just goes to show spending time with Papi (his grandfather) is great... But children do cling to the one they spend more time with. It's heartbreaking and good at the same time.... I came home today (and barring in mind he'd been at daycare today - an Papi picked him up) and while he was tired and overly ready for bed, he ran to Papi, more than me.

Oh how I hate that.

I wanted him to run to ME.

but looking on the up side. I finish this job soon. and I'll be home more. I don't know how some families cope with full time work. I understand the need, and trust me, we could use *that*. But still. Scary stuff.
anyway enough of that.

I'm gonna try to upload an image now.. i sound depressed and didn't want this post to be like that!

*EDIT* Can we all say "Gemma is an idiot?" let's try uploading full res images instead of web size ones!

No wonder it was taking ages! LOL

These are from the Hunter Valley in NSW. Just outside Newcastle. I was SICK as a dog on this day. dropped my camera - On concrete! and then later dropped my 50mm 1.8 lens... Oh my.
But they still seem to be working fine..... And still waiting on the loan for the new baby... will announce when I know...

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